Who We Are

We are a coalition of young township residents primarily from Generation Z who are committed to building youth engagement in local politics and fighting for an inclusive, equitable, sustainable future. It’s up to a new, progressive generation of leaders to educate and organize young people to solve the problems we’re facing through local government and beyond.

Our Goals

We are working hard to organize and elect young, capable leaders to local government positions so that they will represent our values and help us create the better future we all deserve. We will continue to partner with Lyons Township residents, officials, and community organizations to build a coalition to enact the policies that reflect the will of the people.

Our History

Founded in August of 2024, our organization is younger than we are. While new, the Young Democrats have the energy of young, motivated, passionate people who care about the future of our municipalities, township, state, and country. We are building our progressive coalition from the ground up while sowing the seeds for generations after us, ensuring that young people will be able to more easily fight for their interests in the future.

Current Officers

President - Sean Kirchman

Vice President - Maya Smith